Lamees Meyer, Athlone
In December 2022, Carla Stewart and I decided to give thanks for the year we had had. It was shortly after a radio interview that we decided to get together and relax with a few snacks, savouries and cooldrink. This turned into an impromptu braai, as we discussed what we had in our homes and who would bring what to the table.
I invited my daughter's cousin and a friend asked if she could drop-off her daughter with me for a while. Once supper was prepared, I decided to make a toast to the year we had had, encouraging others to do the same. I started with “cheers to all the challenges faced and conquered, to all the good and happy days, to the tears we've cried and the friends we made”.
The girls to had a good laugh when one said “cheers boy crushes”.
Last year I told Carla that we needed to do it again and that it should become a tradition. So, I welcomed my daughter’s school friends and two more moms with their daughters. After supper we sat around the table and each had a moment to share how their year had been; their highs and lows. This was very personal and for the young ladies, a breakthrough to just talk about their feelings and let go of the sad ones as we grew closer in understanding and support of each other.
This “day of gratitude” should be encouraged in everyone’s circle. Celebrating the year, the ups and downs, happy and sad, all the laughs and the tears and the best wishes, faith and hope for the year ahead and knowing that the moms present are always available to the teens.
This year, we — Carla Stewart and I — as the founders of "Gratitude Day" again look forward to a casual, no pressure, bring and share “day of gratitude” where we will celebrate all our accomplishments and breakthroughs, our future goals and friendships we hope to last forever.
We would like to encourage everybody to share a day of gratitude with their loved-ones.