Your year ahead
Sometimes there’s no rhyme or reason to this whole “reward” thing, with benefits seemingly arriving from nowhere.
A hint of romance, extra cash and the strong suggestion of a well deserved holiday arrive in this coming year’s parcel of cosmic goodies. And if you’ve felt the chains of restriction lately, you’re given the opportunity for a clean break.
There’s also likely to be a noticeable change in the way you spend extra leisure hours, as health awareness starts to creep in. But should an occasional inclination for taking risks surface, go with it. Many will be surprised by your newfound strength of spirit.
Aries (March 21 - April 20)
If you’re feeling restless or drumming your fingers for action, a happier cosmos should supply it. In other words, you have planetary permission to prosper and enjoy. This extends to romance too. An irresistible magnetism keeps love on its toes, so don’t be surprised if someone’s eager to grab your exclusive attention.
Taurus (April 21 - May 20)
It’s my guess you need a rest, Taurus. Take advantage of this week, which offers a spot of relaxation: maybe some contemplation. Find somewhere warm – kick through the sand; or curl up under the doona. Some of you, though, may find it hard to slam on the brakes. Try, or you’ll end up exhausted when work spurs into overdrive after the 2nd.
Gemini (May 21 - June 21)
The world needs its colourful characters and you’re undeniably one of them – even if you occasionally test less optimistic souls with your utopian visions. In matters of the heart, though – this week you may need to choose between old love and new. We know you can be impatient. Still Gemini, don’t hurry. There’s no rush.
Cancer (June 22 - July 22)
You’ve been working hard for some time now, and this week is no different. An upbeat cosmos creates a buzz around work and money, while your creativity dazzles all. If there’s a project going, you’ll be the obvious candidate. Even challenges can become blessings in disguise. The snag? You might attract more attention that you bargained for.
Leo (July 23 - August 23)
Despite being a natural entrepreneur, it’s not every day that you get a real financial break. Sure, some offers can look like great opportunities. There may have even been times when you’ve taken the bait before you saw the hook attached to it. This week appears more genuine, and generous.
Virgo (August 24 - September 22)
If it becomes clear that others are making unfair demands on you, don’t try too hard to accommodate them. Accept the fact that you can’t please all the people all the time. It’s never been more important to simply be yourself, without capitulating to others’ constant needs. Declare this a “me first” week.
Libra (September 23 - October 23)
A certain someone needs careful handling this week. They’re mean and moody. No matter how blustery they can be, avoid being dragged into their stormy tempest. Give this person a wide berth, or one of you will end up harbouring grudges. Thankfully, week’s end brings some welcome fun.
Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)
Feeling confident? Great, because you now finally get to call the shots. No matter what mayhem the cosmos creates for the rest of us, this week, most Scorpios should rise over any opposition. But not without some effort. Although auspicious planets surround you, you can’t expect everything to fall into your lap. If you want something, go after it.
Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)
Many Sagittarians have an important task ahead of them. Take your time and plan carefully – that way fewer mistakes will be made. It may all seem terribly tedious, but the end result will be worth it. In romance, singles should consider a fun weekend trip away. Couples also find carnal satisfaction, and increased commitment.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)
If I say there’s change on the way, don’t run. While things may be flowing a tad too swiftly for your liking, you’ll soon get the hang of it. Perhaps you’re being asked to retrain, or take an unexpected detour? Whatever happens, know that the heavens are steering you in the right direction. Follow your dreams, Capricorn.
Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)
Aquarians can be outrageous flirts who live life to the full and, this week, you’re feeling particularly high spirited. Not in the mood for dreary obligations, any restrictions on your freedom will seem unbearable. If outworn love is holding you back, then perhaps it’s time to give yourself some much-needed breathing space.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
When you put your mind to something, you want to see it through. This week you tackle tasks you’ve been putting off over for ages – from re-establishing contact with old friends, to finally updating files and devices. At work, it’s the usual conflict: freedom versus a steady pay packet. Not to worry. By week’s end, life starts to settle.
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