Your year ahead
Most Ariens instinctively feel a year of success ahead; but you might also be questioning whether you’re up to it. You know what they say, “when in doubt, fake it until you make it”. Sounds like sensible advice to me.
At least you’ll look in control. After all that, September finds you a tad weary, so retreat somewhere secluded in order to realign mind, body and soul. November brings a stronger emphasis on money and property – a great time to consider moving home. Cash in on any financial opportunities too, when a project initiated around two years ago starts to exceed all expectations.
Aries (March 21 - April 20)
If you’ve suffered minor setbacks, don’t fret. Pursue what’s working and leave the rest This week encourages a change of image – not because you’re looking jaded, but because you’re ready to tackle this crazy world on new terms – your own. And if you can squeeze in enough time for a spend-up, all the better.
Taurus (April 21 - May 20)
You’re ready for enchantment and a whole lot more excitement. Fortunately, the cosmos agrees. With many of your zodiac neighbours struggling, there are few people around to disrupt your plans. Use this time to strengthen work strategies. New friendships also appear promising, as do financial prospects.
Gemini (May 21 - June 21)
Everyone seems to be discussing the kind of worries you overcame years ago. They want to explore every wrong turn, every mistake in great detail. Thankfully you’ve recognised the early warning signs, and make a break for it. Sometimes, others just need to figure it out for themselves. You don’t need the extra anxiety.
Cancer (June 22 - July 22)
Take care not to confuse fantasy with reality this week. Despite your reputation for being detached, there are deep inner depths hidden beneath that sometimes cool exterior. This makes you a bit of a mystery, really. And perhaps you prefer it that way. After all, there’s no point in showing your entire hand, when one card at a time will do.
Leo (July 23 - August 23)
Sometimes you have to wonder if someone up there’s just hitting the repeat button over and over again. Apologies, Leo, but it seems that your career is temporarily on hold. That’s not to say you should give up on your dreams. Just look to achieve them another time. That’s all the universe asks of you right now.
Virgo (August 24 - September 22)
This is a truth or dare kind of week – a time, perhaps, to talk from the heart. Maybe the answers won’t be what you wanted to hear, but at least everything is out in the open. If there’s a call for repairs, either to your home or a relationship, consider it like a fresh coat of paint – far less damaging than a sledgehammer. Keep an open mind.
Libra (September 23 - October 23)
Librans are the among the most vibrant and energetic of the zodiac signs. Ruled by delectable Venus, you radiate an inquisitive nature and rarely do anything by halves. You're an initiator – someone who loves to do, to bring about change. But, this week, too much relentless activity could be your downfall, so slip into the shadows for a while.
Scorpio (October 24 - November 22)
With this week’s tetchy Mars, it’s definitely not the time to flirt with danger, make important decisions or try to reconcile relationships. The week ahead requires decisive handling as cosmic forces close the gates on unviable projects. There may be disappointments, arguments or financial setbacks. If so, just let go.
Sagittarius (November 23 - December 21)
Whether you’re working in the office or at home, new ideas blaze a fiery trail. At home, your love life is also set for a breakthrough. Indeed, this next week finds many Sagittarians cosmically charged with a renewed surge of satisfaction. The time’s right to start working towards long-standing dreams. Singles may even meet a new love.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 20)
Life can go by shockingly fast. Truth is, many people tend to drift aimlessly through life without specific goals. Sadly, they can coast along without a sense of purpose. Seek knowledge, Capricorn. Absorb as much information as you possibly can. And learn how to listen, especially to those with different world views to yours.
Aquarius (January 21 - February 18)
This week brings an important turning point – a time when you’re free to attract whatever, or whomever, you please. For some, new work unfolds. Others enjoy the pleasures of requited romance. Just be wary of overly dependent companions, particularly those who would happily fritter away your hard-earned cash.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20)
You might feel like you’re being pulled into many different directions. Perhaps a friend or loved one has a tad too much to say, or they’ll try to deceive you. Don’t be fooled by false promises. Think about what it is you want for a change, take charge and ditch those who don’t support you. Take control of your life.
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