
Taxi roll-over leaves 16 injured

OWN Correspondent|Published

Sixteen people were injured in a taxi accident near Brdigetown. PICTURE: SUPPLIED

Sixteen people were injured in a taxi accident near Brdigetown. PICTURE: SUPPLIED

Sixteen people were injured this morning when the taxi they travelled in rolled on the N2 Settlers Way near Bridgetown.

ER24, Metro emergency medical services and another service arrived on the scene at 8am to find a taxi on its side on the grassy embankment. Several people were seated nearby.

Medics assessed the patients and found that one was in a serious condition while 15 others had sustained minor to moderate injuries. Fortunately, no fatalities were found.

The patients were treated, and the seriously injured patient was provided pain-relief medication before being transported to provincial hospitals for further care.

Local authorities were on the scene for further investigations...