Ward councillor Angus McKenzie helps Logan Jones, from Arcadia Primary School, with his new school shoes.
Close to 300 children from eight Bonteheuwel schools received school shoes last week.
The children from EA Janeri, Cedar, Bersig, Bramble Way, Arcadia, Mimosa, Nerina, and Boundary primary schools received the shoes at the Bonteheuwel civic centre on Tuesday February 7.
The shoes were donated by Inretrospect, a non-profit company that has run similar projects around the country.
Ward councillor Angus McKenzie said the donation and gestures like it helped give children the tools for a good education and a solid foundation in life.
“Our collective success can never be dependent on one but will be achieved by working together and growing as one.”
Bramble Way Primary School principal Glynis Enfield said pupils often came to school wearing takkies and flip-flops because they had no school shoes, and their parents were struggling. With winter approaching many children would need navy blue school jerseys, she said.
“Pupils were so excited to receive the school shoes and wore them immediately. I think that more organisations who are able to should reach out in this way. It will be much appreciated because pupils from impoverished communities like ours really need it. There are so many house fires in the area where people lose everything.”