Kraaifontein residents and Eskom staff came to witness the official opening of the De Novo substation on Tuesday November 19.
The construction of the substation started in August 2020 and was completed in September this year, according to Eskom spokesperson Kyle Cookson.
It is expected to improve Eskom’s capacity to connect more customers to its network and support developments in the region.
“This newly constructed 132/11kV 2x40MVA substation will help de-load the overextended Scottsdene 2x20MVA substation, ensuring enhanced service delivery and meeting demands for future growth in the Muldersvlei region,” said Mbulelo Yedwa, Eskom’s Cape coastal cluster general manager.
He added that the Scottsdene substation had been operating at maximum capacity, creating the need for a de-loading solution to accommodate both current and anticipated load increases in the surrounding areas.
De Novo substation, which is on the Muldersvlei-Stikland line, was designed to provide this support, with 11kV interconnections enabling efficient load transfer from Scottsdene to De Novo, he said.
The waterlogged terrain proved to be a major challenge during the construction of the substation, especially during rainy seasons, according to the programme manager of the De Novo substation, Shamiel Jacobs.
“To address this, the construction team utilised dewatering methods and strategically placed rubber mats and conveyor belts to allow trucks and equipment to access key construction sites. By adjusting their schedule and working in low-water-table areas first, the team successfully minimised delays,” he said.
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