A former Kewtown resident has returned to his hometown with his team from Pretoria, to inspire the locals with their testimonies.
He hopes that by sharing a meal and worshipping God, people will make positive changes to their lives to help get rid of social ills.
Bishop Ivan Fredericks, who is the manager of the Public Servants’ Association, led a crusade titled Unfinished Business, as he felt he needed to do more to give back to his community and to “reach out to the lost”. The crusade was held from Thursday October 4 to Saturday October 6.
Bishop Fredericks, from Abundant Life Evangelical Ministries, also happens to be the brother of John Fredericks, the writer of the book and movie, Noem my Skollie.
“With all that is happening in our communities, the question was whether the church is still relevant? We decided to establish an organisation, and rather make the pavement our pulpit — bringing the church to the people. We have a desire to win the lost at any cost. Something good can come from Kewtown.
“I used to be part of the then Gospel Crusaders many years ago, and the message remains the same. A drug merchant can be saved by God by turning away from his wicked ways. There is hope,” Bishop Fredericks said.
Among those who came to share their story, was Danache Chinasamy from Pretoria. Mr Chinasamy was a drug dealer by the age of 21. He ended up killing a rival drug dealer in his home.
“The first week of the court case, someone gave me a Bible. I promised God if he keeps me out of jail, I will evangelise. I spent two weeks in jail, and I then joined Bishop Fredericks’ church. I was given a 12-year jail term, but I appealed the case at the High Court, and the verdict and sentence was overturned. I was found not guilty.” He said he believed God had done this for him.