Bonteheuwel’s top school pupils each received a GoPro camera as a reward for their hard work.
The top pupil from each grade in Bonteheuwel was invited, last Wednesday, to the sub-council chamber where they each received a GoPro camera for their hard work from ward councillor Angus McKenzie.
The pupils are Boundary Primary Grade 1 Liliana Davids, Mimosa Primary Grade 2 Uminathi Gcora, Nerina Primary Grade 3 Lazario Cupido, Bergsig Primary Grade 4 Kiara Heydet, Cedar Primary Grade 5 Kian Mannoe, EA Janari Primary Grade 6 Penelope Fakudze, Bramble Way Primary Grade 7 Inesisa Ndabakayise, Arcadia High Grade 8 Moegamad Walters, Bonteheuwel High Grade 9 Logan Koopman, Arcadia High Grade 10 Janaria Thomas, and Bonteheuwel High Grade 11 Tia Klein.
The cameras were paid for from the ward budget and the top matriculant will also receive one once the matric results are published, according to Mr McKenzie.
He said he was very proud of the pupils, and he thanked their parents and teachers for helping them achieve such good results.
“You’ve done your community exceptionally proud. To groom young men and women into what they are now is a job well done. What you've been able to do a lot of communities are still struggling to do. This is a reflection of what is happening in their home environment. Thank you for loving and caring for these children. I want people to think better of Bonteheuwel. We can make it better together,” he said.
He thanked the pupils for their hard work and proper decision-making. He said that many children took the easy way out and made wrong choices, but they had persevered, attended extra classes, done their homework and studied hard.
“You will be a success in life. Many decisions you could have made which were more fun but you chose to work hard. Many children from Bonteheuwel are studying to achieve great careers. I sincerely hope that in the future to come you stay as committed and focused.
“Parents and teachers have dedicated their love and support to you. I can only imagine what some teachers go through on a daily basis, and despite all of that, teachers love and adore their children. They work hard to make sure that kids can be the best that they can be. I'm watching and supporting you. I am there to fight with you.”
EA Janari Primary School Grade 4 teacher Hoeyaam Stemmet said the school appreciated the gesture.
“Thank you from us as teachers and children. It means so much recognising our hard work and what we put in our pupils,” she said.
Boundary Primary School principal Stanford Allies said the children had done well because they had their parents’ support.
Parents should realise that children acted out their home environments at school, he said.
“All of our kids who experience problems have harsh home environments. Parents need to fight for kids and be there for them. It is hard work to raise kids but keep doing what you are doing. I commend all of the children. You can achieve everything children do at the best schools, it might be more difficult, but you can,” he said.
Toshia Mannoe, the mother of Kian Mannoe, said: “It doesn’t end here, we still have a long journey to go. We will be here for you and support you all of the way.”