Two months after his disappearance, Naushad Khan (who also goes by the name Naushad Deshmukh) the owner of Khan’s clothing store in Rylands, was found alive after he was dropped in Thornton on Wednesday December 28.
Little, however, is known about who the perpetrators were, why he was dropped in the area or how he came to be found.
Mr Khan, had been kidnapped from outside his store while closing up shop on Monday October 31.
After he was dropped off by his kidnappers, Mr Khan was then assisted by residents who took him to Pinelands police station, before he was taken to Athlone police station.
According to Sergeant Zita Norman, spokesperson for Athlone police station, the traumatised Mr Khan was interviewed. “He is currently receiving medical treatment and is on medication,” she added.
When Athlone News contacted Mr Khan’s wife, Nafeesah, she confirmed that her husband was still very traumatised and not able to speak to the media yet.
“My husband is not well, and is still quite traumitised. We are trying to pick up the pieces and just want to be left alone,” she said.