Showing off the beanies, in front, from left, are Liezel Lucas, Michelle Kock, and Martha Jacobs. Back: Charnè Davids, Jacqueline Victor, and Florence Bowers.
Bonteheuwel library staff and patrons have knitted more than 50 beanies for Mandela Day.
The beanies all have a bee design, in honour of LiBee the Bee, the library service’s mascot.
All of the beanies will be donated to City clinics for babies coming for their check-ups.
Dr Zahid Badroodien, mayoral committee member for community services and health, launched the beanie project in April, when he challenged all library patrons to knit as many beanies as they could.
Bonteheuwel library managed 52 beanies with the help of patrons Mathilda Engel, Liezel Lucas, Michelle Kock, and Martha Jacobs.
Ms Kock, 43, who was left with a permanent disability after a stroke 13 years ago, said she enjoyed knitting again.
“The knitting project was something nice to do to keep me busy, but it was even more special because it is for a good cause. I knitted way back, but that was before my stroke. Being part of this project rekindled my love for knitting. My concentration was a bit challenging, but it was worth persevering, because it is so cold now, and these beanies will definitely provide warmth to the babies,” she said.