A mass iftar arranged by four organisations saw 800 people being served a meal and sweet treats in Bridgetown.
Callas Foundation, in collaboration with the Bridgetown Community Development Forum, Africa Muslims Agency and Maroof Islamic Centre, hosted a mass iftar for 800 people in Bridgetown.
The initiative, held at Warbler Court on Wednesday April 28, not only provided a meal for all those in need, but also helped to unite the community, according to Caroline Peters from Callas Foundation.
“The four organisations joined hands to make this a memorable event. There was a moment that we thought the food might not be enough, but it was so blessed, that we had more than enough ,” Ms Peters said.
All residents, irrespective of religion, were treated to akni, cake, and, because the day marked the halfway mark of fasting during Ramadaan, everyone also got to enjoy some boeber.
Nazeem Davids, better known as Sadu in the community, and other members of the Bridgetown Neighbourhood Watch are always around to offer support to Callas Foundation when they distribute food. It was a discussion between Mr Davids and Ms Peters that got the ball rolling. In less than a week, the mass boeka was arranged.
Said Mr Davids: “We have a lot of unemployed people in the community. Yes, people survive, but they have no money for something extra. It is of no use we are sitting with tables laden with food at our homes when others must settle for scraps. Beyond feeding the masses though, this event also brought the community together.”
Qadirah Guzgay and her youth team from Africa Muslims Agency volunteered their time to help with the cooking and distribution of the food.
“It just so happens that at the moment, we, as Africa Muslims Agency, are running a campaign called More than a Meal. This aptly describes the atmosphere at the mass iftar. Being young, we had the ability to assist where we can, and it was a joy for us to be able to help,” Ms Guzgay said.
Fuad Ockards, from Maroof Islamic Centre, offered space at his house to serve as the base for the food distribution.