Mark Kleinschmidt, Ward 60 councillor
A print mouthpiece is essential in a democracy, and this is the vital role that the Athlone News has been playing for the past 30 years.
The Athlone community, with its vibrant residents, played a meaningful role in contributing to our newfound democracy with individuals such as Ashley Kriel paying with his life for the aforesaid. Kriel was remembered through your esteemed newspaper for his significant political activity during the struggle years.
Readers need to be informed and enlightened, but also entertained where cultural issues are concerned, and especially as we celebrate our culture during this month, readers need a publication such as the Athlone News to give expression to our diverse cultures.
The Athlone News is also an integral educational tool for its readers, highlighting both local and national issues and stimulating debate.
On behalf of all residents in Ward 60, our heartiest congratulations to the Athlone News editor and staff on your 30th anniversary, and we wish you well in all your endeavours.