Duinefontein Neigbourhood Watch members, from left, Sulaiman Abrahams, Allie Mansoor, Noor Solomons and Jacobus Smith with the new bicycles.
The Duinefontein Neighbourhood Watch received a donation of bicycles, torches, vests, helmets, and headlamps from ward councillor Aslam Cassiem last week.
With the three bicycles, patrollers would now be able to cover a wider area and check that pupils got to school safely, said the watch’s chairman, Allie Mansoor.
The headlamps and torches would help patrollers keep an eye on crime hot spots along Duinefontein Road, which was plagued by robberies and cable theft, he said.
The 11-member watch started two years ago following a spate of muggings in the area.
The patrollers still hoped to get a vehicle, more bicycles, two-way radios and rain suits, Mr Mansoor said.
“We are very grateful for the donation. We want to make sure our children get to school safe and want to be available for residents at large,” he said, adding that crime had dropped in the area because of their daily patrols on Duinefontein and Klipfontein roads.
Mr Cassiem said: “I will do my best to invest more in safety for our community.”
Manenberg resident Abdul Karriem Adams, said the community had peace of mind knowing the watch members were on patrol.
“They are quite visible and are an essential part of keeping our community safe. There’s a lot of crime happening on Silverstream Road where they are stealing cables so residents’ electricity is out many times, which gives leeway for more crime. Perhaps they could also focus on that area.”