The police cordoned off a murder scene in Winter Crescent, Greenhaven, on Friday February 17, after a man was stabbed to death.
Some Greenhaven residents said the murder of an unknown man near a gate which connects their community to Jakes Gerwel Drive, is more cause for their appeal to have that gate closed permanently.
Manenberg SAPS confirmed that on Friday February 17, the body of a 40-year-old man was found in Winter Crescent, Greenhaven.
Imraan Samsodien said residents have appealed to the City of Cape Town to close that walkway over the past 10 years, as many criminals used it as a shortcut to run away after commiting a crime.
“We drew up a petition as far back as 2013, under the auspices of the Greenhaven Residents’ Association. It never got anywhere. The City hosted a public participation process, but the last feedback we received was that there are line departments within the City that are objecting to its permanent closure. Muggings are prevalent in the area, and one of our residents, who is in her 80s, had to have a hip replacement operation after she was robbed and attacked,” Mr Samsodien said.
Mohamed Jaffer, another resident who is also in favour of having the gate closed permanently, said 18 months ago, he was attacked by a robber, who broke his shoulder bone. His attacker also used the walkway as a shortcut to get away.
“Just three months ago, another person was robbed and killed in Durr Road, also at another walkway. As citizens, it is our right to have safety and security, and these walkways are more than just obstacles for us as residents,” Mr Jaffer said.
Ruqueyah Yassiem said not too long ago, someone jumped over her wall.
“My son chased him, but he got away by running through the gate. There are a lot of older people living in this community, and it is not safe. We have parks here, but our children can’t play here, as it is vandalised. A disabled man who sleeps in the park nearby, and who is being ‘looked after’ by the community, was also attacked. He is a harmless person. What will it take for the City to realise that this gate needs to be closed permanently?” Ms Yassiem asked.
According to Greenhaven Residents’ Association’s chairperson, Abdurahman Govind, the gate which is currently at the walkway, was put up by the residents themselves.
Mr Samsodien confirmed this, saying the City asked the community to remove the gate or face a fine.
“We had 30 keys made for the residents of Winter Crescent, and it worked well. Then the City asked us to remove the gate. We negotiated with them to keep the gate unlocked at all times, but to not remove it. Now we are asking for the City to deploy Law Enforcement if it wants the gate permanently unlocked,” Mr Samsodien said.
Mr Govind said he understands the community’s frustration, adding that the City’s public participation process included Surrey Estate and Manenberg residents, among others.
“We are still engaging with the City. The majority of the Greenhaven residents want to have the gate permanently closed. We all want our community to be safe, but we also have to follow the City’s bylaws. We can’t take the law into our own hands. Some residents want the gate there, as they walk through there to get to the bus stop on Jakes Gerwel Drive. The City’s line department who objected to it being permanently closed said it was because that area is a servitude,” Mr Govind said.
The Athlone News sent an emailed list of questions to the City of Cape Town, but was informed that they needed more time to get all the information needed.
Meanwhile, Manenberg SAPS spokesperson, Captain Ian Bennett, said the unknown man died of a stab wound to the chest, and that the investigation is continuing.
Anyone with information can contact Manenberg SAPS at 021 699 9400 or Crime Stop at 08600 10111.