Jasmine Uys, Athlone
It feels like yesterday when we were standing at the beginning of yet another new year, and here we are again at almost the end it.
What a difficult and challenging year it was for most of us with the never-ending rising cost of living, violent protests, unemployment, crime, gang violence, corruption, extreme weather conditions etc. The list is endless.
So many of us lost loved ones too, and some of us struggle with our health, and the future doesn't look like it's going to get any better. Oh, and did I mention load shedding? One thing is for sure, on our own, we are lost, only God can help us.
So we should never stop praying, not only for ourselves but also for those who don’t have "time" to pray because even if God doesn't take away your "problem", He will give you the strength to handle it. So never stop praying.