Mitchell’s Plain Cricket Club’s Rugshana Johnson, 43, pictured here in action during a league fixture last season, is hoping to raise enough money to help her get to Sri Lanka to play for Sky Cricket Club based in the capital city Colombo. Picture: Fuad Esack
Mitchell’s Plain Cricket Club’s Roshaan Johnson, 43, is hoping to raise enough funds to help her travel to Sri Lanka to play club cricket.
Johnson who’s been with MPCC a few years, responded to a call posted on the Colombo-based Sky Cricket Club’s Facebook page earlier this year, offering women a platform to showcase their skill internationally. An email received from the club’s general secretary in January, informed Johnson that she had been selected to join the club’s global team. Now she’s on a mission to raise the necessary airfare. If you can help, call 062 738 5821
Mitchell’s Plain Cricket Club’s Rugshana Johnson, 43, pictured here in action during a league fixture last season, is hoping to raise enough money to help her get to Sri Lanka to play for Sky Cricket Club based in the capital city Colombo. Picture: Fuad EsackMitchell’s Plain Cricket Club’s Rugshana Johnson, 43, in action during the club’s end-of- year Sixers tournament in December. Johnson hopes to raise enough money to help her get to Sri Lanka to play for Sky Cricket Club based in the capital city Colombo. Picture: Fuad EsackRoshaan Johnson hopes to raise enough money to help her get to Sri Lanka to play for Sky Cricket Club based in the capital city Colombo. Also pictured are Yazeed Moosa and Keenan Thomas applauding her efforts. Picture: Fuad EsackRoshaan Johnson hopes to get a taste of international cricket if she can raise enough money to travel to Sri Lanka to play club cricket in Colombo. Johnson responded to call posted on the Colombo-based Sky Cricket Club’s Facebook page earlier this year, offering women a platform to showcase their skill internationally. Picture: Fuad EsackRoshaan Johnson is looking forward to realising her goal of playing cricket abroad. Picture: Fuad EsackRoshaan Johnson dreams of playing abroad. Picture: Fuad Esack